Thursday, March 24, 2016

day 25 - dessert jam

  • we shared our dessert writing (#23)
  • we watched the uknighted video
  • we talked about the big brother program and our next 30 min project (4/1) and we passed out poetry books and Maddy came and talked about the class book and we brainstormed titles and we talked about an upcoming storytelling festival and an upcoming film festival (based on a poem from the poetry book). 

blog - dessert (due Sunday, 3/27)
journal - #16-30 (due Wednesday, 3/30)


  1. Class Book Title Ideas:
    Second Wives Club
    Writers in Paris II
    Deep Paris
    Deeper Paris
    Writers in the Sky

  2. so bummed i missed class :/
    during the whole drive I had full coverage and then from freaking 1-2:15 I was going through a freaking canyon and of course right when class ended at 2:16 we rolled outta the canyon and into a town with full coverage & LTE :/ go figure.
    But aye you know I always say the best places have the worst cell service and it was truly gorgeous but I'll try again on Monday love u all !!

    1. Someone should Skype in every class period. New Bucket List item.

    2. Also Maddy what the heck being there on the one day I'm not what's that all about

    3. I like that idea a whole lot. I'm gonna try it again on Monday hopefully it works 😁

  3. Book Notes:
    We talked about poems vs. stories
    We talked about possibly adding pictures and QR codes
    *note: add the QR codes at the end, not with each individual writer

    1. Someone stop me from commenting haha but what are QR codes

  4. Anybody wanna volunteer to do writing prompt #24 next time? If not, I got it. Sorry, I forgot.

  5. Thinking out loud: Noscars and Film Festival. Should these be combined? Or related somehow? I was thinking of doing the Noscars (awards, speeches, dress up) toward the end of the year. It would even be cool if we could pass out the books at that event. EXCITING. Maybe we have the film festival earlier and then we watch some of the winners again at the Noscars. I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW. We may not have time with all the speeches and song performances (WE GOTTA HAVE SONG PERFORMANCES, WE'LL BE IN THE AUDITORIUM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD).

    1. Izzy sings? Izzy plays music?

      Um. YEAH

    2. For the Noscars I know people were saying that not everyone should get an award bc then it's just like a participation ribbon, but I think it would be cool to do papier-mâche (I asked Siri how to spell it bc it's really hard) Oscars for some of the awards maybe 3-5? Idk but I would be willing to make them for my project!!

  6. sorry i was late.
    feels good to write again.
    in my journal, on my blog, on my arm

    write write write and never stop
    (im speaking to myself)

  7. Our class was in my dream last night.

  8. How Nelson feels when he sees how many people actually post on their blog (on time)
