Tuesday, May 10, 2016

day 39 - book slam

we brainstormed awards and we helped lexi and emerald with their audition and we previewed the book and emily asked out luke

$6 for the book - pay to the finance office
$7 for the shirt - pay zac ford


  1. my biggest regret is not getting a picture today of luke and emily

    that would've been gold

    this whole class has been a failure now

  2. ps I'll be taking tshirt sizes and money next time: bring $7 (please)

    the shirts will be white and the print will be the same as the book cover, probably (unless we decide to change it last minute) (please refer to the last post for book cover)

    any other questions, just ask i guess.

  3. I added Cali Watkins to the list of writers.

  4. I just submitted it. The review process takes 24 hours. Fingers crossed.

    (Oh the cover is so dope, I can't wait to show it to you.)

  5. I am so excited for class tomorrow :)))))

    1. Me too. Something about writing in nature.
