Friday, April 1, 2016

day 28 - 30 minute project II

Shadows (cw2 30 min pro II) from kyle nelson on Vimeo.


  1. Dear CW2 students,

    Your journals were dope. I just spent about 2 hours going through them. I got lost. I came in today (Friday) and I forgot where I was or what day it was. It was great. I've missed this. Thanks for writing and designing and drawing and creating and making lists and making stuff because it's awesome to witness. You make me want to write and create. I can't imagine a better compliment to give you.

    I guess I'll see you on Tuesday. We'll watch some live blog videos (I hope you post one) and we'll talk about our class book (we need to get going on that).

    Signing off.


  2. These projects are awesome. Sad I missed it but I think that's only made me appreciate the class more. What's that saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Idk you get what I'm saying.

  3. im not sure if i will post tonight ( sorry ) i have been writing something but it's not quite done & im just stuck but i really did try to get it done, hopefully i can post this week

    1. it's 10:53 and hannah's the only one to post a video. maybe a few more will come through.

      i'm thinking this was too scary of an assignment.

    2. personally i love this assignment. i've done it once before and it was the best thing for me.

      i think we should do it again, maybe not as our final assignment (though that would be cool) but towards the end of the year. i wanna hear everyone's notions.
