Tuesday, April 12, 2016

day 29 - live blog series

We watched videos from our first live blog series.

We started talking about stories for our upcoming storytelling festivals.

The prompt: I'm not who I once was

WP#31: notes about stories
WP#32: I'm not who I once was

Post a story on your blog this Sunday.

We voted on a book title and it's going to be called

Anything Else?
(maybe we can have a subtitle)

Honorable Mentions:
Catacombe de Paris
Bonjour/Au Revoir
The Second Wife
Memoirs of Privileged White Kids


  1. I don't get home tell tommarow video class for me I don't wanna miss it

  2. Anything Else?
    (memoirs of privileged white kids)

    holy crap, those go so well together

  3. watching the video of me showering in class wasn't as weird as I was expecting.

    1. We all pretended you were wearing a swimsuit.

  4. thank you so much for the type writer poem. i was not really having a good day, but you made it so much better. you changed my whole day / week / month
